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Contractors have multiple options when looking to sweep large areas. Their options include construction sweepers, street broom sweepers, and regenerative air sweepers. These options can be used in parking garages, malls, apartment complexes, construction sites, and landscape areas.

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Used sweepers' price ranges from $10,000 to $85,000.

  • The top sweeper manufacturers include Elgin, NiteHawk, Masko, and Osprey.

  • Sweepers are used to clean flat surfaces to eliminate dust and other build up.

  • Sweepers vary in weight from 100 lbs for a manual sweeper all the way up to 30,000 lbs for a street sweeper.

  • A rotating cylindrical broom flicks debris into the path of a vacuum hose and onto a conveyor which transfers the debris into a hopper for collection.

  • When buying a sweeper, select a model that best fits the surface being cleaned. Take into account the motor, engine, broom, and conveyors working.

  • Newer sweepers have features like extended chain support, more adjustment points, and better loading of bulkier debris.

  • The salaries of Street Sweepers in the US range from $17,550 to $41,780

  • Employers and regulations dictate that you must have a driver's license, clean driver's record, and pass a background check to be a street sweeper.