Climate Controlled Cab with Air Conditioning
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
Advanced Suspension System
Electronic Stability Control
Rear-view Camera System
LED Lighting System
In-cab Display for Monitoring Tank Levels
Automatic Hose Reel
Chemical Resistant Tank Coating
Side Impact Beams for Added Safety
Emergency Shut-off System
Ergonomic Operator Controls
Adjustable Air Suspension Seats
Soundproofing Insulation
Spill Containment Measures (Optional)
Engine Power: 350 hp
Engine Type: Diesel
Transmission: 10-speed Automatic
Fuel Capacity: 150 gal
Gross Vehicle Weight: 52,000 lbs
Tank Capacity: 8,000 gal
Axle Configuration: 6x4
Brake Type: Air
Suspension Type: Air Ride
Wheelbase: 230 in
Overall Length: 35 ft
For your convenience, we've included these documents free to download so you can make the best decision.
5526 hours
2882 hours
2050 hours
7108 hours
2618 hours
63000 hours
24109 hours
3805 hours
5526 hours
2882 hours
2050 hours
7108 hours
2618 hours
63000 hours
24109 hours
3805 hours